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August Recap

August was another jam-packed month! One of our highlights this month was performing at Bristol Balloon Fiesta! Our friends at PartyPeeps very kindly asked us to perform and we couldn’t turn down the opportunity, we had so much fun! Thankfully the weather was on our side this day so we got to make the most of this fantastic event after wed finished performing! Another really exciting thing we did was work with the rapper Nines but we cant say too much about that… We also helped out with some magic consultancy for Reading festival and had an amazing time experiencing it after. August has definitely been our busiest month this year and although we’ve loved every minute, we are so ready for a little bit of a rest! Has anybody got any suggestions for what we can get up to? Maybe we’ll feature it in next months blog! 

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July Recap

July was such a busy month for us. We had so much fun in lots of different places around the country. Let us tell you all about it!

We started off the month at Butlins where the weather was quite nice, so we had spent some time at the beach. Then we went to Shorefield, which is a lovely holiday park where we were greeted with a fresh coffee which we thought was a lovely touch! We then continued with some more dates at Butlins having a rare day off at home. We started the day by going to a small coffee for a full English breakfast, went into town, then went to bingo and Luke even won!

Another thing we did in July was going to Northampton pride! it was amazing to see everyone gather to celebrate being who they are and everybody supporting each other, the way it should be. Our favourite close-up gig of the month was definitely performing at Heritage live and then stay there to watch Pete Tong and his symphonic Orchestra perform live! 

We also did some more filming this month with Rendall Boys Media and the Reds tech team at Minehead and the shots turned out incredible! They are amazing at what they do! 

We performed at Searles holiday park and saw ourselves on their wall of fame.

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June Recap

June was a lovely hot month and when we weren’t working, we were outside soaking up the sun! Whilst we were working this month, we got Luke to take lots of photos and videos of our show so we can compile them and add them to our YouTube channel! Something really exciting we did was visit the TwinsFX storage unit and saw some of their amazing props and got to have a really lovely chat to them. We performed at a beautiful Parkdean resort and met some of their fantastic staff.

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May Recap

In May, we had lots of fun helping with some magic consultancy at the Minack Theatre for a production of Doctor Faustus. It was a very tiring day but we loved getting creative with the team!  We also had a very special appearance on Lorraine on ITV to promote ourselves being on Britain’s Got Talent! She was so lovely and even came to have a chat with us in our dressing room before we went live.

Then our episode of BGT finally aired! It was lovely reading everyones comments and seeing lots of support for us! We then returned to Butlins for our touring show and also did a couple of smaller parks too. We had quite a lot of close up gigs booked in this month so we were kept quite busy throughout. 

After one of our close up gigs, we got to spend the Day in Brighton with was great as we don’t normally have time to have a look around the areas we visit for work.

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April Recap

We had loads of fun in April! Stick around and we’ll tell you more!

We started off the month at Butlins, on tour with our show, what a great way to start the month! After setting up our new studio, we have been creating lots of new fun and exciting YouTube videos that we will be posting on our channel so keep your eyes peeled for those! 

One of our highlights for the month was going to Seal Bay Resort in Chichester. We have never performed at this resort and we absolutely loved it! It was such a beautiful place and the performance space was amazing with lots of cool technical elements that we loved playing around with! The resort was so big, there was a bus that took you around as everywhere was too far to walk!

There were also a couple of boring things that have had to take care of this month like getting our lorry serviced… yawn! We made the most of this however, by bringing our laptops and getting lots of work done with a lovely coffee in Costa. It was a long four hour wait but food and drinks definitely kept us going! Speaking of which, we treated ourselves to a waffle maker this month! We’ve been loving going to the waffle shop in town so we thought why not make them ourselves, it’s been a lot of fun experimenting with lots of different sweets and chocolate combinations! 

Something nice we did this month was having our own barbeque, we started up the logfire and had a lovely chilled night in the hottub. It was well needed! The day after, we went to the Olivier Awards in London, we had so much fun watching the ceremony and then we met up with a friend for food after.

To close the month, we did a couple more live shows across the country, some more close up gigs and spent some time in the office sorting out lots of admin work.

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March Recap

March was fun! 

We started off the month by doing a big Costco shop to stock up on snacks and drinks for the office, we love getting the big box of cookies from there to have with a nice coffee! We’ve been spending a lot of time in the office lately, building props and production equipment for an external theatre show that were really excited about! Once everything is up and running we will be sharing pictures with you all! 

Our friend Alfie came down to visit us too, we went to bingo and had a meal which was lovely as we haven’t seen him for a while! I’m not sure he was the biggest fan of bingo, it was a little bit too fast paced! 

Something fun we did was performing at Centre Parks, it was a stunning resort and we had the best time doing close up magic and performing some of our show there. Its always nice to see lots of different parts of the UK and this was is Cumbria where we aren’t at that often. 

How could we forget, we saw Frozen the Musical this month! It was absolutely fantastic and we loved every minute of it! We went there with our friend Ella who we have worked with previously so it was great to see her! Later on, we met up with our friend Luke who is currently preparing to perform his show Diva from Hell at the Edinburgh Fringe… We cant wait to see the show!

We finished off the month by returning to Butlins for our tour then had some well needed relaxation time, it was well needed!

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February Recap

Well this month has come and gone fast hasn’t it?

Even though February is the shortest month, we’ve still managed to cram a whole lot into it! Let me update you with all that’s gone on since we last caught up.

We started off the month by sourcing new props for future shows, making sure we have fresh, exciting illusions to entertain our audiences. We picked up four different illusions and have been busy rehearsing with them ever since. There is something we bought that we’re so excited to use as it involves an audience member participating! Do you think you’ll be brave enough to take part?

We started touring again this month, performing our old show for now at Butlins. We had a lot of fun performing and seeing our friends there who we haven’t seen for a couple of months. It’s always nice to get back onstage after a little break.                   

Another exciting thing that came this month is our new merch! We’ve released new magic sets, slap bands, wristbands and restocked our caps as they are a fan favourite! Everybody loves a good deal so we have released package deals of our new merch that are exclusive to our online shop, one of them even includes the opportunity to personalise some of the items! 

As usual, there have been many close up gigs that we’ve attended for events such as parties and corporate events. We always love doing our close up gigs as the intimacy of engaging with our audience up close and personal brings another level of magic to our performances. Being able to witness the immediate reactions of the audience is such an amazing feeling!

The thing that we’ve been the most excited about this month however is the Blackpool Magic Convention. This is the world’s largest convention where over 3,000 magicians go to meet to showcase their talents; sell any props or merchandise that they own and to just have a great time! We were there for the whole weekend and loved every minute of it from watching the gala performances to once again, buying new props and illusions for our shows! The warehouse here at Jay & Joss HQ is definitely getting a little bit too full now!

We finished off the month by performing at Butlins again and rehearsing with all of our purchases that we’ve acquired over the month, it’s been a lot of fun! Keep checking back for more updates!

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A Week in the Life at Jay & Joss HQ

There are a lot of things that our fans don’t get to see when we’re at work but not on tour and it’s a lot of fun! So I thought I’d share what it’s like behind the curtain and experience a week in the life at Jay & Joss HQ, where the magic comes to life both on and off stage!

We will start the morning with a debrief of things we would like to complete for the day; brainstorming new ideas of routines we can bring to the show in the future and sorting through any emails we get about close up gigs, merch orders and general enquiries. A coffee is always needed at this point so we all have a nice cuppa (and a biscuit or two…) to give us a little boost and get the creative juices flowing! There are always new and exciting things in the works and we get so excited for people to find out what we’ve been working on!

After touching base, we all get to work on our individual tasks. Not many people know this but Jay is extremely talented at building, welding and engineering so he often spends a lot of time in the workshop manufacturing new props to use in the show and refurbishing old props to give them a new lease of life. Joss is equally as talented, but within the technical aspect of the job so he spends a lot of his time editing videos for the upcoming shows and creating showreels, programming and coding lights and automating some of the props that Jay has built by writing script and code. Joss is responsible for a lot of the technical elements in the show which helps give it an extra flare of amazement and most people may not realise that he was behind it all!

 As you can see Jay & Joss work hand-in-hand with each other to create incredible shows simultaneously. As their own individual skills and talents complement each other and help bring together an all round fantastic performance!

At this time I will be working on ideas for our 2025 project, compiling a lot of visually impressive ideas for the project we have got in the works. For example, sourcing new costumes, pyrotechnics, lighting equipment and special effects to ensure this show is our most visually impressive ever! It certainly won’t be one to be missed. I will also take over a lot of admin duties from this point: replying to emails, packaging and posting merch orders, writing blog posts such as this one and coming up with social media ideas for the boys.

Multiple times a week, Jay & Joss head out to perform close-up gigs for weddings, parties and corporate. These intimate settings allow them to connect with their audience on a personal level, creating memories that last a lifetime. Seeing the magic up close and personal is an experience that cannot be matched and I love hearing back on emails following up after the event on how the audiences have reacted to their talent.  

Another thing we do here at Jay & Joss HQ is hire out props to other magicians who may want to use them for their own shows. We will go into the storage unit to find where they are, get them ready for whoever is picking them up and make sure they’re fully prepped and ready for showtime!

As you can see, we are always really busy here at HQ. There is always a lot to do and we have the most fun while doing it. I hope you enjoyed this little insight into what goes on behind the curtain and all of the stuff you might not think about. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this behind the scenes exclusive. What is the thing that has surprised you the most? Please comment down below and let me know. See you on the next one!

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January Recap

Hey everyone! My name is Luke and I am a part of the Fine Entertainments family! I am working closely with two of our biggest clients, Jay & Joss, so I thought I’d give you all a little introduction to me and a run-down of all of the fun we’ve been getting up to this month.

So, as I said, my name is Luke, I’ve just turned 22 and I am the creative assistant here for Jay & Joss. This means I have lots of fun helping create ideas and content for the show, I help manage their diary and busy schedule, help with a lot of admin work and sometimes will make the occasional coffee 😉

I have a long history of being within the performing arts industry starring in a range of shows like ‘Grease’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Bugsy Malone’ and ‘A Dracula Spectacular’ to name a few. Then, when I got older, I secured my first professional contract at a highly reputable holiday resort in the UK. I’ve always had a passion for performing and Musical Theatre with some of my favourite current productions being Six the Musical, Mrs Doubtfire the Musical, The Play that Goes Wrong and Wicked.

Now, as you’ve learned a little bit more about me, it’s time to catch you up on all of the fun we’ve had at the Jay & Joss HQ this month!

We started off the month brainstorming ideas for the show that will be performed in 2024 and something VERY exciting for 2025 (watch this space!) There were many long days at the office so we thought we would have a little bit of renovation so we moved into a bigger workspace and added some personal touches to our desks. I’ve been loving buying lots of wax melts from my favourite company to make our office space smell incredible! They definitely make a difference helping boost our mood and creativity!

Jay & Joss have been working on an exciting project behind the scenes for a couple of months now so we’re very excited for everyone to see the end result! The boys have also been busy with private gigs where they have been hired to companies offices and peoples parties, to add an extra sparkle to their events.

My birthday was towards the end of month so we all had an amazing night out watching the incredible Cirque Du Soleil Alegria at the London Palladium! It was such a spellbinding night watching such talented performers show off their skills, they were really inspiring and we highly recommend you go see the show if you get the chance.

I also spent some time in my hometown, Durham, so I could see my family and friends which was lovely as I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like to because I’m now based 3 hours away from home. We went for a delicious carvery and let our hair down with a couple of drinks.

Dinnertime has been fun this month as I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with some tasty home cooked meals, to tour with on the road! Some of my favourite things to make have been hunters chicken, pasta with hidden cheese meatballs and a classic Sunday roast. Personally, I have quite a sweet tooth so our homemade sticky toffee pudding with ice cream was definitely my favourite!

Maybe one day we’ll create our own Jay & Joss cookbook… Who knows 😉

As you can see, it’s been a jam-packed month full of lots of exciting things! Check back next month so see what we’ve been up to, there’s a lot planned and we think you’ll love what we have lined up!