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A Week in the Life at Jay & Joss HQ

There are a lot of things that our fans don’t get to see when we’re at work but not on tour and it’s a lot of fun! So I thought I’d share what it’s like behind the curtain and experience a week in the life at Jay & Joss HQ, where the magic comes to life both on and off stage!

We will start the morning with a debrief of things we would like to complete for the day; brainstorming new ideas of routines we can bring to the show in the future and sorting through any emails we get about close up gigs, merch orders and general enquiries. A coffee is always needed at this point so we all have a nice cuppa (and a biscuit or two…) to give us a little boost and get the creative juices flowing! There are always new and exciting things in the works and we get so excited for people to find out what we’ve been working on!

After touching base, we all get to work on our individual tasks. Not many people know this but Jay is extremely talented at building, welding and engineering so he often spends a lot of time in the workshop manufacturing new props to use in the show and refurbishing old props to give them a new lease of life. Joss is equally as talented, but within the technical aspect of the job so he spends a lot of his time editing videos for the upcoming shows and creating showreels, programming and coding lights and automating some of the props that Jay has built by writing script and code. Joss is responsible for a lot of the technical elements in the show which helps give it an extra flare of amazement and most people may not realise that he was behind it all!

 As you can see Jay & Joss work hand-in-hand with each other to create incredible shows simultaneously. As their own individual skills and talents complement each other and help bring together an all round fantastic performance!

At this time I will be working on ideas for our 2025 project, compiling a lot of visually impressive ideas for the project we have got in the works. For example, sourcing new costumes, pyrotechnics, lighting equipment and special effects to ensure this show is our most visually impressive ever! It certainly won’t be one to be missed. I will also take over a lot of admin duties from this point: replying to emails, packaging and posting merch orders, writing blog posts such as this one and coming up with social media ideas for the boys.

Multiple times a week, Jay & Joss head out to perform close-up gigs for weddings, parties and corporate. These intimate settings allow them to connect with their audience on a personal level, creating memories that last a lifetime. Seeing the magic up close and personal is an experience that cannot be matched and I love hearing back on emails following up after the event on how the audiences have reacted to their talent.  

Another thing we do here at Jay & Joss HQ is hire out props to other magicians who may want to use them for their own shows. We will go into the storage unit to find where they are, get them ready for whoever is picking them up and make sure they’re fully prepped and ready for showtime!

As you can see, we are always really busy here at HQ. There is always a lot to do and we have the most fun while doing it. I hope you enjoyed this little insight into what goes on behind the curtain and all of the stuff you might not think about. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this behind the scenes exclusive. What is the thing that has surprised you the most? Please comment down below and let me know. See you on the next one!

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